Life can get crazy at times, I mean really really crazy, and when it does I have to stop, and take a look around for a giggle. Sometimes when I am looking for a giggle I go to the greeting card section at any drug store, grocery store or mega conglomeration world dominated store~ Whatever~ But I will just start reading the cards, I start in the humors section and get my fill of giggles. Cards help us make fun at ourselves and loved ones, on the art of growing older, getting married, retiring, having babies, graduation, and any other of many reasons to celebrate and send a card!
My favorite ones are the silly pictures of dogs, cats, monkeys, zebras, elephants, etc doing human things! A good laugh at just the picture; or, imagining the work that goes into taking the picture can give me a good laugh! I also love Maxine, she is a kick, talk about growing old gracefully, NOT.
Yesterday I was at a mega store laughing out loud! Seriously out loud, and a man peeks his head around the corner, and said" We have got to stop meeting like this" I was slightly embarrassed, but had to laugh, I had seen him at the same spot just a week earlier. I think he is on to me and my pep talks to myself as I search out my inner joy on days when it is hard to find!
Well I suppose it could be worse he could find me at the local Pub drowning my sorrows. I am so glad that my joy is with me, even if I do have a small search on occasion.
So the reason for my search for the giggles is getting back up on the "Running horse" no not literally, but I am back to my running joy. I have been reaching burnout stage on the quilting and with summer here it is really time for me to get back up and run again. I have been looking through my marathon training stuff and thought it is time for a half marathon. I have not found the one I want to run yet, but I am going to start training. I think early to mid fall, I will keep looking as I get in shape for it.
Quilting will continue but I think the fresh air focus is going to be good. In honor of it I am working on designing a runners quilt block with giggles in mind!
happy giggles to you, Marybeth
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