Monday, September 3, 2012

End of The Summer

Our little town is having the time of it's life, with all the weekenders around and many festivities going on, it is a fun atmosphere. I ran the lake today and was totally amazed at the number of runners out getting in miles around the lake. There was this younger woman who lapped me about 4 times! I feel old and slow. I am not sure if she took the short cuts around the lake or not. You can either go around the lake on the road, which is about 3.5 miles or you can go around the path on the lake which is about 2.7 miles if you stay to the path, but with the water so low there are a few more short cuts that take off about .2 miles. I went around the road for the most part, I do go off the road on one corner that is a little dangerous to stick to the road and the difference is very small if any.

After my run I was waiting for Chris, who goes with me but usually collects cans and bottles to recycle and he also picks up trash and throws it in the trash bin, he is always doing his part. When I go around twice I usually meet him back at the truck about the same time, but today it was a little warm and I was fighting my music and a nagging headache so I just decided to wait and people watch. There were a lot of people to watch today.

It is so amazing how many people hang out at the lake and either fish or just enjoy the end of the summer. The nights are already starting to get cool and the days are not quite as hot. This is the final summer fling, tomorrow the lake will entertain it's last days of swimmers, then they will put away the boats and get ready for the winter. This summer went so fast, it was just a few days ago that it was memorial day.

Remember when you were a kid and the summer would last forever? When we lived on the beach for a few years. IN my mind it seems like it was a really long time but in reality it was only a few years, but those years on the beach were some of the best years. Especially in the summer time. I remember Kool Aid sticky and sweet, and hot dogs and potato salad and watermelon.  Summer food was the best when we were kids.

My favorite part about Labor day was getting ready to go back to school. I loved summer time but I loved going back to school too. We always had at least one new outfit to wear, and in our case a few of my older sisters hand me downs. My problem was I was taller than my two older sisters and they wore their skirts short! On me it was shorter than short, so I learned to sew. I would sew what I could by hand, my grandmother had a machine and showed me a little, but my mom did not sew at all.

When we went to school we had to change our clothes as soon as we got home. There was a dress code, girls wore dressed, boys wore pants, not jeans and shirts with collars and pockets, no tee shirts!

Things were different for sure. I was watching the kids get on the school bus the other day and they were wearing shorts! really it was hard to tell that they were on their way to school except for the book bags and lunch boxes.  I am not saying that our way was better it was just more familiar to me and so I have a comfort with the way it was when I was a kid. Some things never change and some things do, we just get used to wat is comfortable to us.

I was listening to some ladies talking about the youth of today and the Tattoos! the ladies were older than I am I am guessing mid to late 60's and in their mind tattoos are from the devil! I had to laugh, I am not crazy about some of the tattoos I see, but I understand that it is an expression of who they are. When we were young we got our ears pierced and wore tye dyed tee shirts and long skirts with lots of beads. There was always rebellion and there will always be rebellion and self expression. I just don't like to see it get in the way of someones future.  But if you like the look then pay the consequences.... I know I was thinking about the end of summer and I suppose I got off subject, but in a way not, because I think I am at that age where it is the end of summer in my life, I am getting into the Autumn season, but honestly it has always been my favorite. I suppose if we make it through our "Halloween season" then we get to what we are thankful for and finally the Christmas spirit of things.

I have 9 weeks until my last/next marathon and I wonder if I am doing everything I can to get ready. Maybe that will be my Halloween Season!

Trick Or Treat~

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